Online Courses to Help You Share Your Unique Story Online and Grow Your Business
I’ve founded and grown 4 startups with tiny teams and even tinier budgets. I’ll teach you how to do more with less in your marketing, saving time and money while showing you how to get huge results. Check out the courses below for more info!
Expert led masterclasses
Stop Leaving Money on the Table.
Master Marketing Automation is a comprehensive course that takes you from automation beginner to master. It’s for startups and small businesses that desperately need to find more time for strategic tasks, craft more personalized customer experiences, and stop missing big marketing opportunities. We cover:
How to find the audience segments that will bring in the most revenue
The top automation workflows for over 50 marketing situations
How to put together a seamless automation no matter what software you’re using
How to test and optimize your automations so they run effortlessly
No team? No budget? It’s time to bootstrap!
Bootstrap Your Marketing is a free course for startups and small businesses that never feel like they have enough time or money to accomplish their marketing goals. We dive in to:
What type of content gives you the most bang for your buck
How to turn one content piece into 50
How to get the help you need from affiliates and influencers
How to automate key tasks so that you have time to focus on the big picture.